Stahl Kitchens Honoured as 'Prestigious Brand of Asia 2021-22' by Herald Global

Stahl Cookware selected as ''Prestigious Brands Asia 2021-22''


''There's no greater testimony to hard work and passion than the love and loyalty of your customers.''

The unwavering love and support of Stahl's customers and well-wishers over the years has led the brand to be recognized as one of the most ' Prestigious Brands of Asia 2021-22 '.

Rajiv Agarwal, Founder & Director of Auto press India, that operates Stahl said, ''Over 30 years of sheer perseverance and faith has helped us deliver value to our customers and stakeholders. We are extremely delighted to be honored with this prestigious title.''

Autopress India Pvt. Ltd. has been a manufacturing partner for leading international cookware brands since its inception.

Stahl Kitchens was founded in 2013 under the vision and leadership of Rajiv Agarwal and his two sons Dhruv and Kush Agarwal. The trio pioneered the manufacturing of triply cookware in India, paving the way for a tectonic shift in the way stainless steel cookware was made and used. 

The brand has witnessed unprecedented growth backed by quality products and user-centric design. This organic growth has been led by word-of-mouth of users who have turned into brand advocates, making them the leading force behind the company's encouraging success. 

''We owe the credit of this success to the passion and commitment of the hundreds of people behind Stahl. As a team, we never settle on our accolades or failures. We are always looking for new ways to innovate and enrich people's lives'', said Dhruv Agarwal, owner, and head of manufacturing and product design at Stahl Cookware.

Stahl has plans to move to international locations and expand its D2C business in the coming years.